Wednesday, December 06, 2006

maybe this blog is too self-indulgent. i'm fascinated by my own peculiarities in taste and love thinking about them to no end. with that being said, one of my weaknesses is folk music. i'm a sucker for an interesting voice and an acoustic guitar. is that criteria sufficient enough to be considered good music? i don't know. but i can't get enough of it.

MP3: Lindsey Buckingham - Shut Us Down

on another tangent, i have to confess i am still relatively new to love. and experiencing love means experiencing all the complications that come with it. 90% of all the songs ever written are about love, and now they all oddly resonate with me in a way that they never did before. what were empty words before are now capable of casting a hypnotic spell over me, holding me in a bittersweet grip. or in other words, just make me really fucking sad.

maybe i'm fitting lyrics to my experience instead of taking them for what they are. maybe i'm completely misinterpreting what the writer is trying to say. well... chalk up another one for the distortive nature of love. i'm fine with that. let me take my pleasure in knowing that i'm not alone, let me pretend that what i'm experiencing is universal, let me know that someone else has gone through this too... and is able to make something beautiful out of it.

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