Friday, June 17, 2005

sitting here at my house with a decent 3 speaker set up, a thought just occured to me. the way i listen to music now at my apartment is a 2 speaker boombox system that sits way up high above my head. i still love music as ever, but the images that go through my head now are pretty different than what it was when i was living at home.

the way i used to visualize music was very layered, the bass sounds occupying the lower ground and mid and treble sounds occupying higher ground. very much affected by the 3 speaker setup with the sub on the floor. the funny thing is, this is the way i visualized music for a long ass time, to the point to where i often thought, 'how the hell else could you visualize music, it just makes sense!!'. bass sounds below other sounds. how more common sense can you get. but now, with this other setup, i dont visualize the sounds in music containing such distinctiveness in layering. there's depth, but not to the level it was before. like one of those magic eye illusions depths.

i think i prefer this 3 speaker setup, even though i'm 100 percent sure the 2 speaker boombox has higher fidelity.


Anonymous said...

is that who is speaking on your voicemail?

fred duong said...

yes. his name is lucky. he's awesome.