Thursday, June 09, 2005

an expansion on music as spirituality
excerpt from an article about tantric sex discussing a full body orgasm:

"Instead of a localized genital release, you experience a prolonged series of subtle, continuous wavelike pulsations that spread through the body, resulting in the impression that you are melting in your partner."

it sounds extremely similar to what i have experienced with just music. everyone knows that you can get pleasure from music, but this is on another level - a spiritual orgasm?
(laying down on a cosmic beach at the edge of the ocean, eyes closed, tide repeatedly flowing over my body)

on another note: a friend giving constructive criticism of my writing said that i needed to write more about how the music ties in with my personal experiences (such as, this track reminds me of when my dog died, or whatever). the problem is, i just dont experience music that way. music (usually) occupies a totally abstract plane of existence. i theorize about it because only intellectual discussion can disect it. it happens that it's not that the music takes me to a time and place in MY life, but that the music pushes me to reach out towards something else.

all music isnt like this for me, but for the most part (even pop music) it is. not to say there aren't certain types of music that facilitate this mental reaching out, such as electronic music. that abstract alien quality that electronic music can do so well is definitely why i hold electronic music in the highest regard.

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